Mt.Plaisir Estate Hotel Trinidad
Mt.Plaisir Estate Hotel Trinidad
Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel, Grand Riviere
Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel, Grand Riviere
Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel, Grand Riviere
Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel, Grand Riviere
Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel, Grand Riviere
Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel, Grand Riviere
Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel, Grand Riviere
Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel, Grand Riviere
Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel, Grand Riviere

Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel Grande Riviere (Trinidad)

…yes, you just landed in paradise!

Please accept the invitation to join Mt. Plaisir in this uniquely organic experience

This modest village

is home to a sacred beach, chosen thousands of years ago to serve as the perpetual nesting ground of the magnificent giant turtles. This beach, hosting the largest leatherback nesting ground in the western hemisphere, sits just outside the thirteen fully air-conditioned, beachfront suites of Mt. Plaisir Estate Hotel.

Here, sits Mt. Plaisir, facing the Caribbean Sea, with the rainforest rising up Mt. Ju to the rear, the Great River meandering to the sea on one side and Ferdinand river curling behind the hotel on the other.

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Exceptional cuisine

Hundreds of Crested Oropendulas announce that dinner is served. Mt. Plaisir’s delightful restaurant offers local cuisine, accented with authentic Creole, Indian specialities. All made with a local flair using local, organic ingredients grown on the Mt. Plaisir Estate lands. Our main dishes rely on fresh seafood caught daily as a staple, including lobster. We also offer an assortment of vegetarian specialities, fresh yoghurts and cheeses from our organic dairy farm that also boasts a collection of more than 50 rare tropical fruits.

A Gathering Place

Mt. Plaisir is also a world-renowned gathering place for an eclectic variety of people. Artists come to paint and design, writers, playwrights and dancers come to be inspired. They are accompanied by an endless stream of people from a wide variety of fields who have been exposed to this space and place and are compelled to return. Like the turtles, they always return. The rooms too are filled with a vibrant mix of local art, furnishings and creations, mixed with Piero’s unique collection of art and artefacts from around the world.

Information & Contact

Bryan Akien

Fon: +49 152 240290 80


You Decide Our amenities are designed to suit the particular needs and desires of our visitors. Everything is tailored to meet your needs. Rainforest expeditions, hiking trips, boat trips, waterfalls, guided tours, bird watching, river explorations are easily arranged to provide you with the experience you desire.

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At home with Nature

With the appropriate respect and space for nature to take its course, guided views of the protected nesting area take place on the beach in front of the hotel after dinner. There you can discover an indescribable spectacle: one after the other, slowly arriving from the sea, hundreds of leatherback turtles ease their way onto the shore to “conquer” the perfect spot on the soft sand of the beach, excavate and finally lay their precious eggs.

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